How to crush confusion, Get unstuck, and move your life to the next level.
How to crush confusion, Get unstuck, and move your life to the next level.
Do you feel…
- Stuck…you feel the urgency of time flying by but you don’t feel any closer to your dreams now than you did years ago?
- Stagnate…like there is fear and confusion blocking your progress? You know you need to make changes, but with so many options it feels overwhelming. You need clarity on the right direction for you and the right next actions.
- Frustrated…because year after year you’re setting the same goals instead of seeing the change your heart is longing for?
God did not create you to live stuck and confused. There is a way to find clarity, take action, and get momentum.
And you need to realize, there is a cost to not dealing with this…
“Just try harder”
But for most people, none of that works.
- Books are an incredible tool for growth, but they rarely provide people with the sustainable motivation and accountability needed for lasting change.
- Online assessments can provide valuable insight (I’m currently working on being certified as a Gallup Strengths Coach – I believe in assessments). But assessments are only information. Most people never convert the information into any meaurable change in their life.
- Prayer can obviously be a powerful source of strength and revelation. Prayer with faith can move mountains. But most people pray more out of fear and frustration than faith. The “God please change my life” prayers in a moment of frustration rarely move the needle. Most give up too soon and fail to take any action on the direction received during a time of prayer.
- “Re-Uping” is inherently flawed. How is recommitting to the same actions that already failed to bring you change possibly going to work?
Tragically….nothing happens.
You just continue to live with that dull ache inside that knows there is more to life than what you’re living. Before you know it you’re at the end of your life and would trade anything to have this moment back.
Action breeds confidence and courage.”
Dale Carnegie
How I can help you get unstuck

In my early twenties, I worked at a ministry that encouraged us to dream big, and make a difference for God.
After relocating to a new city to eventually attend a missionary training school, I started working as a temporary employee at an insurance adjusting company after Hurricane Katrina.
Fast forward over a decade, and I had climbed the ladder into a senior management position and was completely stuck and unsatisfied. Honestly, I loved the company and the people I worked with, but insurance was a milion miles from my calling or purpose. It was just a paycheck. And I was a shell of who I wanted to be.
Worse yet, after years of stress and frustration, I was starting to wonder if maybe I was foolish to ever dream big in the first place. Were those dreams from God, or just a zealous young man?
Maybe just being a good family guy and a good employee was it for me. Who was I after all to think I could make a difference for God?
But the dream wouldn’t die. And I knew if I didn’t make serious changes that I would have serious regrets.
I was made for more. And so are you.
But how do you make such big changes? Especially when you have a family in tow?
For me, the answer was personal coaching. The insights and revelation that come from powerful coaching are life-changing.
Not only did I get clarity on what I truly wanted to do with my life, but I also would leave each session with a plan: a concise list of steps I needed to take to move my life forward. The weekly sessions provided the accountability I needed to take the actions I committed to take.
It was slow at first, and like any great building project, there was a lot of time working on foundational issues that you couldn’t even see.
But I trusted the process, and over the weeks and months as I applied thebegan to see the results that had escaped me for years when I was trying to figure it out on my own.
In 2013, I attended the Coaching With Excellence conference with Dan Miller, and soon after enrolled in the Professional Christian Coaching Institute. Several months after that I launched my first coaching company, STM Coaching (Success That Matters). That has since transitioned into my full time work coaching, speaking, and writing with Rocket Coaching LLC.
I’ve invested thousands into my own development, both as a professional coach and as a business owner. There is no greater investment you can make than investing in yourself. I don’t just believe that; I live it. Truly, you can’t afford not to invest in yourself.
I’m 42 now, and I’ll be honest…the thirties were rough years for me. I felt stuck in my job. I felt like my family was getting the leftovers instead of the first portion. I felt stressed and unfulfilled. I felt like life was passing me by and I was passively giving my life towards someone else’s dreams, not my own.
Very small kids, plus a very stressful and demanding job do not make for a balanced life. Looking back my only regret is not having the courage to make the hard decisions sooner.
Now, it is my honor and priveledge to work with men, who, like I was, know that God has something greater for their lives but they’re just not sure how to get there. Let’s walk this road together and see what God can do.
It’s worked for others. It will work for you.
Jason Weening
Coaching Packages
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Coaching Packages

3 Months
Perfect for men who want to get greater clarity and momentum in one or two areas of their lives. Three months gives time to go deep, while establishing habits that will sustain growth. This is a great option for men who feel stuck. If you’re having a hard time getting momentum and establishing new habits, this package is for you.

6 Months
Geared for visionary men who want to take their life to the next level in all areas. Six months allows us to spend time in every category of your life: relational, physical, financial, occupational, and spiritual. If you understand the value of investing in yourself, and are ready to create a new life for yourself in almost every area, this package is for you.

12 Months
This is for men who are “all in.” You don’t just want momentum. You want maximum and measurable success. You want a life of significance, that is making a tangible impact. If your biggest question is “how can I live my life to have the greatest impact?” then this package is for you.
Three Months- 9 Sessions
- Weekly Action Steps
- Weekly Accountability
- Unlimited Email & Text
- 3 Month Access to Focus Fraternity Mastermind (Launching January 2019)
- Free PDF of Wesley’s books
- Free Clifton Strengths Assessment
- 25% off live events
- Call Me Anytime Guarantee
- Option to continue coaching for only $299 per month
- All books & training programs FREE FOR LIFE
Six Months- 18 Sessions
- Weekly Action Steps
- Weekly Accountability
- Unlimited Email & Text
- 6 Month Access to Focus Fraternity Mastermind (Launching January 2019)
- Free PDF of Wesley’s books
- Free Clifton Strengths Assessment
- 25% off future live events
- Call Me Anytime Guarantee
- Option to continue coaching for only $299 per month!
- All books & training programs FREE FOR LIFE
Twelve Months- 36 Sessions
- Weekly Action Steps
- Weekly Accountability
- Unlimited Email & Text
- LIFETIME Access to Focus Fraternity Mastermind (Launching January 2019)
- Free PDF of Wesley’s books
- Free Clifton Strengths Assessment
- 25% off future live events
- Call Me Anytime Guarantee
- Option to continue coaching for only $299 per month!
- All books & training programs FREE FOR LIFE
Ready to get started?
Click below to schedule a free exploratory call.
We’ll spend about an hour together talking about your vision, goals, challenges, and expectations, and answering any questions you may have. Once we both fully agree that coaching with me is the right decision for you, then you can choose your package, make payment, and we’ll get your first session scheduled.
The Wiley 100% Total Satisfaction Guarantee:
Many coaches refuse to offer any kind of money-back guarantee. Why?
Because only you can guarantee results. You’ll get powerful clarity and direction during our coaching sessions, but if you don’t put in the work in between sessions, nothing changes. Therefore as a coach, I cannot promise homeruns to someone unwilling to swing for the fence.
That said, I am confident in the transformational power of coaching, and I only choose to work with men ready and willing to put in the effort. I know this is a big investment for you, which is why I offer the 30-day, no questions asked total satisfaction guarantee.
While I cannot control your results or the level of committment you bring to coaching, if we agree to work together after our initial consultation, then I’m willing to take a risk on you and offer the 30-day guarantee in good faith that you are serious about growth and aren’t afraid to swing for the fence.
Now, let’s go hit some homeruns.

Frequently Asked Questions
How long do clients typically work with a coach?
That said, I’m honored to still be working with one of my first clients from 2014.
Not everyone can afford ongoing coaching, but many understand that it’s not an expense…it one of the greatest investments you can make, having impact in your work, your family, and your future.
Alumni of Elevate get a discounted rate for ongoing month-to-month coaching.
What topics will we cover?
The topics usually fall into these categories: vision, strategy, mindset and beliefs, goals, skills, habits, and systems.
What is the "Call Me Anytime" guarantee
These calls are for small adjustments or unexpected emergencies affecting your growth plan (such as an unexpected job opportunity) and are not meant to take the place of your normal sessions.
There is no additional charge for these conversations. I actually enjoy these “one-off” calls sometimes more than the normal sessions; if a client is willing to take this initiative, it means they are usually in a place of heightened focus and receptivity.
Just don’t abuse it or my wife will make me change this guarantee. 🙂
Do you offer business coaching?
I have ten years in management experience in the corporate world, and definitely will not shy away from business-related topics. I focus primarily on coaching men in their own personal development journey. If you’re looking for specific business-related coaching, such as marketing, expansion, etc, I would not be your first choice.
How does coaching differ from therapy?
Coaching on the other hand is very future-focused. Instead of focusing on healing, we focus on growth. We work with clients who are operating from a healthy degree of wholeness and work with them to move their life foward.
How does coaching differ from consulting?
A coach believes that you are the expert of your life, and asks probing questions to help you create a vision true to yourself and your calling, along with effective strategies to move your life forward.
While a coach may be an expert in a certain field, they generally do not offer unsolicited advice, but rather, they work to bring out the right answers from within the client. If I tell you the answer (consultant) you’re likely to forget it or stop doing it when the relationship ends, however, if I help lead you to your right answer, you’ll own it.
How do I schedule or cancel a session?
When payment is made, you’ll receive “credits” to use for scheduling your sessions. Sessions are 45 minutes long, and we typically will do three sessions a month. You can schedule them for up to 180 days in advance.
You will receive an email confirmation when a session is scheduled. If you need to cancel or reschedule a session, you can simply follow the link in the confirmation email to return to the calendar to reschedule the session.
Please reschedule at least 24 hours in advance out of respect for me and other clients. Sessions that are missed without prior notification will be forfeited.
If you have an unexpected emergency, you can postpone unused sessions for up to six months.
What if I can't find a time that fits my schedule?
What is your payment & refund policy?
I only work with men who are fully committed. I do offer an unconditional 30-day guarantee (see above), although thankfully for my clients I’ve never had to use it. If at any time during the first 30 days you need to back out of coaching, let me know. No refunds are available after 30 days after your first session.
Is coaching confidential?
See for more information.