Porn or Purpose: Your Choice
Porn or Purpose: Your Choice Wesley Wiley | Husband, Father, Coach The number one threat to our society isn’t terrorism, drugs, or economic instability. It’s a little four letter word that effects every single demographic, from 80 year old men to little...
How to Get Clarity on Your Purpose
How to Get Clarity on Your Purpose Wesley Wiley | Husband, Father, Coach This week is Purpose Week. It’s like Shark Week, but with less blood and hopefully won’t make you afraid of the ocean. To start us off, I created a venn diagram to give you a clear...
How to Transform Your Life in 4 Steps and 8 Minutes
How to Transform Your Life in 4 Steps and 8 Minutes Wesley Wiley | Husband, Father, Coach This post was inspired by a recent episode of the Ray Edwards’ Show – absolutely one of my favorite podcasts. Ray is a copywriting expert, loves Jesus, and promotes...
Altar Calls, Conferences, and Why Change Is So Hard
Altar Calls, Conferences, and Why Change Is So Hard Wesley Wiley | Husband, Father, Coach I live in a state of constant frustration. Well, frustration is a strong word. Maybe “dissatisfaction” is more appropriate. But some days it sure feels like frustration....Page 4 of 5